The Walking Dead The Telltale Series A New Fron...
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Following the Telltale formula, The Walking Dead series is progressed through via walking simulator exploration, quick-time events (QTEs) and dialogue with characters. There's plenty of things to find as you venture throughout the remnants of human civilization, and much of it contributes positively to world building.
By morning, the group are following Arvo towards the house. Kenny unknowingly walks past a walker, which instantly gets up and attacks him. Clementine can shoot the walker dead and save Kenny, but Bonnie hopes that the gunshot sound doesn't draw more walkers. Arvo says that the house is very close, and they continue walking. The group eventually see the house from afar, seeing that it is unfinished and barely fit to be a shelter. It stands across a frozen lake which doesn't seem thick enough to hold all of them. Kenny rages towards Arvo once more about the unfinished house before the group decide to cross the frozen lake. Soon after, walkers appear behind them, presumably drawn from the sound of the earlier gunshot, and the group notice them as they also begin to tread across the lake. Several walkers break the ice on the lake and fall within, causing the group to panic. Arvo, seeing the group distracted, quickly runs towards the house but Kenny runs after him. With the new stresses on the ice, it breaks beneath Arvo and he plunges in, struggling to get back out. Kenny catches up to him and pulls him out, and the two make it to the other side.
Throughout Days Gone, there is a constant feeling of dread due to the undead horde that is always nearby. This isn't too dissimilar to the situation Clementine and her friends find themselves in throughout The Walking Dead series.
This is sad news to me indeed. I love(d) the telltale games back in the day, and some of the newer ones I bought and enjoyed, though it never touched the masterpieces of Monkey Island, Sam and Max or Back to the Future (of which I am biased because I love the film series more than life itself.) I used to buy every game they made back when it was like 1 new game every 1 or 2 years, but yeah they started releasing several in one year and it over-saturated the plots. I was even on the early adopters on the Telltale account website when I still played them on PC. 781b155fdc